Post-Carlisle Survey - Please read and reply!

Discussion topics related exclusively to our annual gathering in Carlisle PA on June 1-3, 2012.
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Post-Carlisle Survey - Please read and reply!

Post by DPDISXR4Ti »

Only 11 months until Carlisle 2013, so it's time to get some feedback on what you'd like to see at next year's gathering. Although the questions are mostly oriented towards someone who attended this year's event, anyone should feel free to provide feedback. No requirement to answer all the questions if you don't want to - any feedback is better than none.

1. Did you attend Carlisle this year? If not, why not? What would make you want to attend in 2013?

2. Overall, using your own criteria, how did you feel this year's Carlisle event compared to previous years?
a) better than usual b) about the same c) worse than usual If answering a or c, why?

3. We're already contracted to stay at the Radisson again next year (room rates will remain the same), but is there anything you'd like to see different/improved at the hotel?

4. Now that we've done it for two years, how do you feel about having the awards and prizes done from the parking lot? Are you okay with doing it that way again next year? Feel free to suggest alternatives or things we can do to improve the experience.

5. How did you like this year's sweatshirt? Was the "Texas orange" color a good or bad choice?

6. Thinking ahead to next year, of the following alternatives, rank from 1-7 your most preferred shirt type to least, where "1" is your most preferred and "7" is least. (Note that pricing would be accordingly higher for the "higher end" options)

Basic t-shirt ___ Pocket t-shirt ___ Upscale t-shirt ___ Collared Polo shirt ___ Long-sleeve t-shirt ___ Sweatshirt ___ "Hoodie" sweatshirt ___

7. Was the MCA Carlisle planning website useful? What else would you like to see included?

8. Unless you want another tool bag as the "MCA goody bag" for three years in a row, we need suggestions. What would you suggest, bearing in mind that the cost can't be over $20?

9. Would there be any value to having pre-arranged, sign-ups for Saturday night dinners out at various restaurants? Would you be interested in being a team leader for one of the groups?

10. Any other comments, suggestions, complaints not covered above - feel free....
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Re: Post-Carlisle Survey - Please read and reply!

Post by jasonty »

DPDISXR4Ti wrote: 1. Did you attend Carlisle this year? YES '99-09, '12 so far
If not, why not? What would make you want to attend in 2013?

2. Overall, using your own criteria, how did you feel this year's Carlisle event compared to previous years?
a) better than usual b) about the same c) worse than usual If answering a or c, why?
C: my lack of interest, and it appears alot of other guys have fallen off.

3. We're already contracted to stay at the Radisson again next year (room rates will remain the same), but is there anything you'd like to see different/improved at the hotel?
4. Now that we've done it for two years, how do you feel about having the awards and prizes done from the parking lot? Are you okay with doing it that way again next year? Feel free to suggest alternatives or things we can do to improve the experience.
No opinion, missed both outside events. I loved the first year I came w/ the outside BBQ @ the Holiday Inn though.

5. How did you like this year's sweatshirt? Was the "Texas orange" color a good or bad choice?
Didn't like it at all!

6. Thinking ahead to next year, of the following alternatives, rank from 1-7 your most preferred shirt type to least, where "1" is your most preferred and "7" is least. (Note that pricing would be accordingly higher for the "higher end" options)

Basic t-shirt __1_ Pocket t-shirt _2__ Upscale t-shirt _5__ Collared Polo shirt __3_ Long-sleeve t-shirt _6__ Sweatshirt __7_ "Hoodie" sweatshirt __4_

7. Was the MCA Carlisle planning website useful? What else would you like to see included?
never looked.

8. Unless you want another tool bag as the "MCA goody bag" for three years in a row, we need suggestions. What would you suggest, bearing in mind that the cost can't be over $20?
Badges ala AACA or something similar?, laptop bag?, a bigger backpack than what we had years ago?

9. Would there be any value to having pre-arranged, sign-ups for Saturday night dinners out at various restaurants? Would you be interested in being a team leader for one of the groups?

10. Any other comments, suggestions, complaints not covered above - feel free....
jason yancey
stephens city va

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Re: Post-Carlisle Survey - Please read and reply!

Post by MerkurManPaul »

1. Did you attend Carlisle this year? If not, why not? What would make you want to attend in 2013?

Yup, sure did!

2. Overall, using your own criteria, how did you feel this year's Carlisle event compared to previous years?

a) better than usual

3. We're already contracted to stay at the Radisson again next year (room rates will remain the same), but is there anything you'd like to see different/improved at the hotel?

I love the hotel and wouldn't change anything. To me, the Radisson is just as important to the weekend experience as the Carlisle Productions showgrounds and the cars themselves. The years we went to other hotels were good, but something was missing and it was most certainly the Radisson. It may be a bit of a drive from the showfield, but even that drive to and from the show is part of the whole tradition.

4. Now that we've done it for two years, how do you feel about having the awards and prizes done from the parking lot? Are you okay with doing it that way again next year? Feel free to suggest alternatives or things we can do to improve the experience.

I miss the old banquets in some ways, but honestly doing everything out in the parking lot is an absolute blast. I'd say stick with the parking lot awards and prizes.

5. How did you like this year's sweatshirt? Was the "Texas orange" color a good or bad choice?

I love the sweatshirt! Haven't gotten to wear it since Carlisle weekend since it's been so hot, but I can guarantee I'll be wearing it a lot when the weather cools down. I think the color is very cool, but the color should change each year. If I can be of any assistance in creating the 2013 shirt, in whatever form everyone votes for, let me know! I'd be happy to help!

6. Thinking ahead to next year, of the following alternatives, rank from 1-7 your most preferred shirt type to least, where "1" is your most preferred and "7" is least. (Note that pricing would be accordingly higher for the "higher end" options)

Basic t-shirt 5
Pocket t-shirt 7
Upscale t-shirt 4
Collared Polo shirt 1
Long-sleeve t-shirt 6
Sweatshirt 2
"Hoodie" sweatshirt 3

7. Was the MCA Carlisle planning website useful? What else would you like to see included?

I've done the whole Carlisle thing for so many years now I don't really use the planning website. But I think it's an invaluable tool for newer members and first-timers. I can't really think of anything to change.

8. Unless you want another tool bag as the "MCA goody bag" for three years in a row, we need suggestions. What would you suggest, bearing in mind that the cost can't be over $20?

I honestly don't have any ideas at the moment, but I'm going to think about it and post some ideas when they hit me. Need to do a little brainstorming!

9. Would there be any value to having pre-arranged, sign-ups for Saturday night dinners out at various restaurants? Would you be interested in being a team leader for one of the groups?

I think it could be helpful to a certain extent as long as we don't have to sign up before the weekend itself or something. It's fun to be spontaneous after all.

10. Any other comments, suggestions, complaints not covered above - feel free....

I'm hoping to make my way out to Carlisle on Thursday night again for 2013 as I had for many years in the past. Perhaps we can have a special planning thread for those who will be arriving early? Just a thread under the Carlisle 2013 section should be sufficient, perhaps with a link to the thread on the main MCA Carlisle planning site? I know some folks also stay Sunday night, so maybe a similar thread for those folks would be a good idea too.
-PM (formerly MerkurScorpio)
2015 Ford Fiesta SE