Here we have the offending module boxes.
here we see how they are crimped. to gain access to the boards i just used a screwdriver and bent the metal back a bit.
here is the light control module, i started to already resolder this one. it wasn't in bad shape, but i redid all the points anyway.
another closer view
this one (the other module) was a bit nastier. not only did we have corrosion, two of the lines were broken (fixed in later images)
zoomed out view a little.
another view. at this point i think i had already started to resolder.
resoldering complete. i used some teflon coated 20ga wire to reconnect the pins that had broken leads on the board.
all done. i also sprayed the boards with electronic grade clear coat to protect them for at least another 22 years.
to recrimp the case around the board i just used some vice grips and lightly pressed them back. then i filled the pins for the wiring connector with dielectric grease and resinstalled in the vehicle.
After resintallation, everything works wonderfully.